Holy Redeemer – Hank Glogowski [email protected]
Saint Ferdinand – Michelle Vetovich, Ralph Mosco, Pat Donohue [email protected]
Saint Gregory – Tony Livorse [email protected]
Ministers of Hospitality (MOH) or Greeters are the first people that worshipers meet when they arrive at church. This gives the MOH the opportunity and the responsibility to represent the rest of the assembly in offering hospitality. They assist with offertory collections, seating and general care of the assembly before, during and after mass. We are ALWAYS in need of new ministers and welcome your involvement!
The purpose is to serve the liturgy by helping to establish a climate of welcome, helpfulness and order among those who gather. They also assist the assembly with practical details so that it can celebrate the rites with ease and grace.
Attention must be paid not only to the persons who gather but also to the common purpose for which the congregation assembles. All the baptized who gather for public worship share responsibility for the formation of a unified and prayerful assembly.
Each Saturday and Sunday members of the Ushers Group attend each Mass and provide the following:
1. See to it that the church building is presentable and welcoming, with everything prepared for the arrival of the people;
2. When necessary, offer information or assistance concerning the parish, the liturgy, the facility, parish registration procedures, location of restrooms and accommodations for little children, etc.;
3. Facilitate the full participation of the assembly by helping with hymnals, processions, late arrivals, collecting the offering, assisting persons with disabilities and with special events;
4. Respond appropriately and in accord with established procedures to particular needs or emergencies within the assembly;
5. Assist at the departure of the assembly (friendly and orderly exit, distribute literature) and final cleanup;
6. Carry out special roles with calm and reverence, while otherwise participating fully and as exemplary members of the assembly.