Jennifer Livorse – [email protected]
Site Leaders:
Holy Redeemer – Rosina Betz
St. Ferdinand – Mark DeNapoli
St. Gregory – Joyce Gaydosz
Parishioners with a devotion to the Mass, the sacraments, and the Church are invited to become Extraordinary Ministers. This ministry assists the priest in the distribution of the Holy Eucharist. This is especially required in light of the fact that at many of our masses, we celebrate the Eucharist under both forms; the Body and the Blood of Christ.
This ministry requires one to have a deep devotion to the sacredness of the Holy Body and Blood of Christ. You are asked to safeguard the Eucharist at all times and reverently share it with the faithful.
Training in this ministry must be completed prior to serving the homebound, as well. Prayerfully consider this ministry and reach out to sign up for a training session.
Need more help? Contact Jennifer at 724.776.2888 ext.1210 [email protected]